apush score calculator

What is Apush Score Calculator?

Apush Score Calculator is a tool that helps students calculate their scores on the APUSH (Advanced Placement United States History) exam. This exam is taken by high school students who want to earn college credit for their studies in US History.
The calculator takes into account the different sections of the exam, including multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, document-based questions, and long essay questions. It allows students to input their answers and receive an estimated score based on the College Board's scoring guidelines.

How to Use Apush Score Calculator?

Using Apush Score Calculator is easy and straightforward. First, you need to gather your exam materials, including your answer sheet and your exam booklet. Then, simply input your answers into the calculator and wait for the estimated score to appear.
It's important to note that the calculator is not an official score calculator and should be used as a guide only. The final score will be determined by the College Board and may differ from the estimated score provided by the calculator.

FAQs About Apush Score Calculator

Q: Is Apush Score Calculator Accurate?

A: While Apush Score Calculator is based on the College Board's scoring guidelines, it is not an official score calculator and should be used as a guide only. The final score will be determined by the College Board and may differ from the estimated score provided by the calculator.

Q: Can I Use Apush Score Calculator for Other AP Exams?

A: Apush Score Calculator is specifically designed for the APUSH exam. It cannot be used for other AP exams.

Q: Is Apush Score Calculator Free?

A: Yes, Apush Score Calculator is a free tool available online for students to use.


Apush Score Calculator is a useful tool for students preparing for the APUSH exam. It provides an estimated score based on the College Board's scoring guidelines and allows students to gauge their performance on the exam. While it is not an official score calculator, it can be a helpful guide for students as they work towards earning college credit for their studies in US History.